Hey, I'm Rishabh

A 23yo software engineer tinkering with challenges of web and mobile applications, also an open source enthusiast .

Looking for a new role, Reach out to me here.

Blog Posts

Serving DNS Challenge

This Challenge involves configuring and serving DNS records, a task that may initially seem complex but is actually quite manageable...

How to host your own Git server

If you are thinking that hosting your own Git server is very complex, then you're in for a ride...

Simplest Custom Hook to Persist Data.

As a React guy I so wanted to make a React hook which I can use for my future projects, taking the advantage of the local storage.

Why You Should Contribute To Open-Source

If you are also a noob when it comes to open source development, this article is for you.

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Project demo


It converts your text to an handwriting page document.

Project demo


TEDxBITBangalore 2022 events page REORIENT.

Project demo


A CLI tool which helps you to bookmark your favourite projects and open it with a simple command

Project demo

DNS Resolver

A toy DNS resolver python script

Made with ❤️ by Rishabh